Here is a living example of some of the possibilities in creating your own audio programming on your web site. By now you should have already become familiar with creating RealAudio files and have a few sitting up on your web site. We've taken a few of ours for the purposes of this demo. Next, we've recorded some informational "bumpers" about the songs, as well as general station-ID type bumpers to be tossed in anywhere.
We've created the following interface that allows you to "play the programming director" and experiment with the ways that you can mix and match your catalog of audio clips to make for a constantly changing more original and personal experience. The user's RealPlayer will continue to play the playlist while they can continue to browse elsewhere around the net or do other work on their computer.
Note: This demo requires a browser which supports multi-part MIME encoding (such as Netscape 3.0+) in order to auto-launch RealPlayer.